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Third Prize of 2009 Excellent Article Wang Chao--<<Wife Unemployment>

Third Prize of 2009 Excellent Article Wang Chao--<<Wife Unemployment>

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  • Time of issue:2020-11-17 16:24
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Third Prize of 2009 Excellent Article Wang Chao--<<Wife Unemployment>

(Summary description)UnemployedWife At10:35intheevening,mywifecamebackfromgetoffworkfromtheoppositeBaiyiSupermarket.Assoonasshewalkedin,shelamentedthattoday'sbusinesswasnotgoodagain."Well,wheredidyousaythisguywent?Nowthesupermarketisdeserted,andtheshoppershaven'tsoldasmanythings.Today,toothpasteisonlysoldformorethantwohundred,andthismonth'ssalaryseemstobenotmuch." MywifehasbeendoingtoothpastepromotioninBaiyiforlessthanhalfayear,andsheoftensighslikethis.Ihavebecomeaccustomedtoit.AlthoughsheworksinBaiyi,shedoesnotbelongtoBaiyi'semployees.HerbosssellstoothpasteatthecounterrentedbyBaiyili,whichisthesameastheonethatsellsmilkpowderandshampoo.Thewifehasnobasicsalary,onlycommission,andifshecompletesacertainturnover,shewillgetalittlebonus. "Whatareyouworryingabout?Ifyouhavelessmoney,spendless."Icomforted. "Doyouknow?"Thewifesaidmysteriously:"WhenIwasoffwork,theeldestsisterwhosoldmilkpowdertoldmethatBaiyiwasgoingbankruptandmightbetransferred.Shetoldmetokeepitsecret!" "Noway!Howcansheknowaboutthesethings?Besides,isn'tBaiyidrivingwell?Itisnormalfortheeconomicdownturnduringthefinancialcrisis.Nottomentionyourpoorbusiness,evenourcompany'sordersarealsothesame.Lessandless.No,todayourcompanyputhalfofthepeople'sfake..." "What,didyouletsomanypeopleout?"BeforeIfinishedspeaking,mywifehurriedlysnatcheditover:"Didyouletitgo?Howlong?" "Don'tworry,Ihaven'treleasedityet.TheywillhavetheholidayuntiltheendofMarch." "Fortunately,youdidn'treleaseit.Alas,youusuallyseethatyourfactory'sbenefitsareprettygood,howcanitnotwork?" "Isthereanywaytodothis?Ifthereisnoordertodoit,thecompanyhastotakesomemeasurestosurvive?Otherwise,everyonewillhavenofood." Thewifesighedagainandtookashower.Aftertakingashower,IreceivedacallfromXiaocui,whopromotesshampoo. "Hey,Ahua,ourbossjustcalledmeandtoldmetounpackallthegoodsfromtheshelvestomorrowmorning,andIwillbewithdrawnfromthemarket.ThebosssaidthatBaiyihasbeentransferredandhewantstotransfermetoShenzhentowork.YouHowisit?Didyourbossinformyou?"   Thewifewasstunnedwhensheheardit,andittookalongtimetoreact,andhurriedlyasked:"Isittrue?No!Mybossdidn'ttellme!Howisthispossible!"   Xiaocuiontheotherendwasalsoanxious,andsaid:"It'strue!HowcouldIlietoyou?Mybosscalledmejustnow,andthe'shampoo'and'milkpowder'werealsonotified.Theywillbetooearlytomorrowmorning.It'sgoingtobewithdrawn.Youcancallyourbossandask." "Oh!...Oh!...Oh!......"Thewifehungupthephoneforalongtime,andshecouldn'trecoverforawhile,obviouslyalittleconfused. "Whatareyouinadaze?Callyourbossandask!"Iurged. "Hey,boss?Justnow,Xiaocui,whosellsshampoo,saidthatBaiyihadtransferred,andtheyaregoingtowithdraw.Isittrue?...Ah?...Shouldwewithdraw??......Oh,OK!......" "Whatdidyourbosssay?"Iasked. "Thebosssaidheknew,hewillcometomorrow."Thewifesaidwithafrustratedexpression.Iwasstunned,asifhehadnoticedsomethingwrong,thenfrownedandsaidinalowvoice,"Butwhydidn'thenotifyme?...Whydidn'thenotifyme?..." "Doyouthinkit'syourbosswhowantstobugger?"Ideliberatelyfrightened:"Thinkaboutit,youworkintheafternoonshift,andyouaretheonlyonesellingtoothpaste.Yourbosswillcometomorrowmorningandtakethegoodsaway.,Whereareyougoingtolookforhim?I’mafraidthatwhenyougotoworkintheafternoon,youfindthatthegoodsareallgone,andthewholeworldasks,“Where’smytoothpaste?Where’smytoothpaste?Whyismytoothpastegone?”IlearnedThewifesaidwithasharptoneandexaggeratedexpression. Thewife'sbossdoesnotliveinXieGang,butlivesinQingxi.Exceptonthedayofsalarypayment,Ionlycomeonceortwiceamonth.Andthenameandspecificaddressaretotallyunclear.Ifyouneedtoreplenishanygoods,yourwifesendsafax,andthebosssendssomeonetodeliverit. "Oh,yes,Istillhaveoneandahalfmonths'salary!"Thewifewaspanicked. "No,isn'titwhatIsaidunfortunately?"Iwantedtoscaremywife,butIwasshockedwhenmywifesaidthat."Quicklycalculatehowmuchsalaryyoustillhavenotreceived?" "Damnit.Ididn'tpaymethesalaryforthepreviousmonth.Ican'tbearit.Itturnedouttobealong-plannedplan!Icalculateit.Themonthbeforethatwas1,280yuan.Lastone.Themonthlysalaryislow.Giveittome.Fromthismonthtotoday,it’s615yuan,whichisatotalof1,895yuan.Alas,myhusband,doyouthinkhereallywantstorunawaywithoutpayingme?Huh?Otherwise,thereisnoreasontowithdrawfromthevenuetomorrow.It'stimetonightandyouwon'tnotifyme!"Sincethefinancialcrisis,businesshasbeenslackandmywife'ssalaryispitifullylow. "Ithinkitisentirelypossible.Thereisaconspiracy,thereisaconspiracy!No,youhavetogoearlytomorrowmorning,orwhatifhereallyrunsaway?Let'strytobeavillainfirst,andcallhimassoonashecomes.Payyoursalary,don'tlethimgo." "Okay,I'llgoearlytomorrowmorning."Thewiferepliednervously. "Gotobedearlytonight,andwewillaskforpaytomorrow!"Wewenttobedearlyonmysuggestion. Isleptrestlesslyallnight,andthenextdaymywifegotupearlyinthemorning.Youknowthat"lazycats"don'tgetupuntilnineorteno'clockonweekdays.Afterwashinginahurry,mywifeleftbeforeeighto'clock. Aftermywifeleft,Itossedaboutandcouldn'tsleepwell.TodaySaturday,Icouldhavealazynight'ssleep,butIstillfeeluneasy.No,Ihavetostare.YiGulugotup,hurriedlywashedtofinish,IalsorantoBaiyi. WhenIwalkedin,theshampoosellers,sanitarynapkins,andmilkpowdersellerswereallbusypacking

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  • Time of issue:2020-11-17 16:24
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Unemployed Wife
At 10:35 in the evening, my wife came back from get off work from the opposite Baiyi Supermarket. As soon as she walked in, she lamented that today's business was not good again. "Well, where did you say this guy went? Now the supermarket is deserted, and the shoppers haven't sold as many things. Today, toothpaste is only sold for more than two hundred, and this month's salary seems to be not much. "
My wife has been doing toothpaste promotion in Baiyi for less than half a year, and she often sighs like this. I have become accustomed to it. Although she works in Baiyi, she does not belong to Baiyi's employees. Her boss sells toothpaste at the counter rented by Baiyili, which is the same as the one that sells milk powder and shampoo. The wife has no basic salary, only commission, and if she completes a certain turnover, she will get a little bonus.
"What are you worrying about? If you have less money, spend less." I comforted.
"Do you know?" The wife said mysteriously: "When I was off work, the eldest sister who sold milk powder told me that Baiyi was going bankrupt and might be transferred. She told me to keep it secret!"
"No way! How can she know about these things? Besides, isn't Baiyi driving well? It is normal for the economic downturn during the financial crisis. Not to mention your poor business, even our company's orders are also the same. Less and less. No, today our company put half of the people's fake..."
"What, did you let so many people out?" Before I finished speaking, my wife hurriedly snatched it over: "Did you let it go? How long?"
"Don't worry, I haven't released it yet. They will have the holiday until the end of March."
"Fortunately, you didn't release it. Alas, you usually see that your factory's benefits are pretty good, how can it not work?"
"Is there any way to do this? If there is no order to do it, the company has to take some measures to survive? Otherwise, everyone will have no food."
The wife sighed again and took a shower. After taking a shower, I received a call from Xiaocui, who promotes shampoo.
"Hey, Ahua, our boss just called me and told me to unpack all the goods from the shelves tomorrow morning, and I will be withdrawn from the market. The boss said that Baiyi has been transferred and he wants to transfer me to Shenzhen to work. You How is it? Did your boss inform you?"
The wife was stunned when she heard it, and it took a long time to react, and hurriedly asked: "Is it true? No! My boss didn't tell me! How is this possible!"
Xiaocui on the other end was also anxious, and said: "It's true! How could I lie to you? My boss called me just now, and the'shampoo' and'milk powder' were also notified. They will be too early tomorrow morning. It's going to be withdrawn. You can call your boss and ask."
"Oh!...Oh!...Oh! ......" The wife hung up the phone for a long time, and she couldn't recover for a while, obviously a little confused.
"What are you in a daze? Call your boss and ask!" I urged.
"Hey, boss? Just now, Xiaocui, who sells shampoo, said that Baiyi had transferred, and they are going to withdraw. Is it true?...Ah?...Should we withdraw? ?......Oh, OK!......"
"What did your boss say?" I asked.
"The boss said he knew, he will come tomorrow." The wife said with a frustrated expression. I was stunned, as if he had noticed something wrong, then frowned and said in a low voice, "But why didn't he notify me?...Why didn't he notify me?..."
"Do you think it's your boss who wants to bugger?" I deliberately frightened: "Think about it, you work in the afternoon shift, and you are the only one selling toothpaste. Your boss will come tomorrow morning and take the goods away. , Where are you going to look for him? I’m afraid that when you go to work in the afternoon, you find that the goods are all gone, and the whole world asks, “Where’s my toothpaste? Where’s my toothpaste? Why is my toothpaste gone?” I learned The wife said with a sharp tone and exaggerated expression.
The wife's boss does not live in Xie Gang, but lives in Qingxi. Except on the day of salary payment, I only come once or twice a month. And the name and specific address are totally unclear. If you need to replenish any goods, your wife sends a fax, and the boss sends someone to deliver it.
"Oh, yes, I still have one and a half months' salary!" The wife was panicked.
"No, isn't it what I said unfortunately?" I wanted to scare my wife, but I was shocked when my wife said that. "Quickly calculate how much salary you still have not received?"
"Damn it. I didn't pay me the salary for the previous month. I can't bear it. It turned out to be a long-planned plan! I calculate it. The month before that was 1,280 yuan. Last one. The monthly salary is low. Give it to me. From this month to today, it’s 615 yuan, which is a total of 1,895 yuan. Alas, my husband, do you think he really wants to run away without paying me? Huh? Otherwise, there is no reason to withdraw from the venue tomorrow. It's time tonight and you won't notify me!" Since the financial crisis, business has been slack and my wife's salary is pitifully low.
"I think it is entirely possible. There is a conspiracy, there is a conspiracy! No, you have to go early tomorrow morning, or what if he really runs away? Let's try to be a villain first, and call him as soon as he comes. Pay your salary, don't let him go."
"Okay, I'll go early tomorrow morning." The wife replied nervously.
"Go to bed early tonight, and we will ask for pay tomorrow!" We went to bed early on my suggestion.
I slept restlessly all night, and the next day my wife got up early in the morning. You know that "lazy cats" don't get up until nine or ten o'clock on weekdays. After washing in a hurry, my wife left before eight o'clock.
After my wife left, I tossed about and couldn't sleep well. Today Saturday, I could have a lazy night's sleep, but I still feel uneasy. No, I have to stare. Yi Gulu got up, hurriedly washed to finish, I also ran to Baiyi.
When I walked in, the shampoo sellers, sanitary napkins, and milk powder sellers were all busy packing things up, and there were large and small bags all over the aisle. But the wife leaned in a daze next to the toothpaste shelf.
"Why are you in a daze, why don't you pack things?" I asked.
"The boss hasn't come yet, and he hasn't received any notice from the boss."
"Then you can call and ask."
My wife called quickly, and then said to me: "The boss asked me to pack things."
After helping my wife find a lot of cartons, I thought to myself while helping withdrawing the goods from the shelves: "If the boss of my wife comes to shirk and says that he has no money to settle the salary, I can't let him go like this."
When the goods were half packed, my wife touched me with an elbow and whispered to me: "My boss is here." Then she gestured with her eyes. I followed the eyes of my wife, and a man in his 30s walked over.
The boss of "Sven Man" came over and took a look, but said nothing, then went up to the second floor, probably to the supermarket office.
I hurriedly said to my wife: "When he comes down, you will ask him to settle his salary first."
After a while, the "Sven Man" boss came down, but he didn't say anything, and picked up his things. I made a look at my wife, who hurriedly walked over and said, "Boss, you see that they are all withdrawn now, can you calculate my salary first."
"Oh, the'finance' has not come yet, and the account has not been settled yet." The boss of "Siwen Nan" was calm and calm, and said lightly.
Everything was packed, the boss of "Sven Man" called for a car and started loading the car. I hurriedly urged my wife: "Hurry up and see if'finance' has come?"
My wife hurried up to the second floor, and within a few moments, she hurried down and said to the "Sven Man" boss: "Boss,'Finance' is here. It's in the office."
The boss of "Sven Man" gave a "Oh" and went up to the second floor. After a while, I came down and said to my wife: "We have no money in the financial hand, and I can't settle the account today." After looking at us, I probably knew that we were not at ease, and then said: "Well, I will go to the teller machine to pick up some Money comes out to pay you salary."
I thought to myself, don't want to be slick, or you will look good. Then walked out of the supermarket pretending to be nonchalant. The truck loaded by the boss of "Sven Man" stopped at the door. I was just next to the car, if nothing happened, I was actually very vigilant in my heart, watching the "Sven Man" boss move goods into the car box by box, thinking that if the goods were loaded later, he would get in the car without any money. I stopped the car and wanted to drive away anyway, no way!
After a while, the goods were loaded, and the "Sven Man" boss and his wife walked out. "Si Wennan" the boss asked his wife: "If you are transferred to another place to work, if you are not in Xiegang, will you go?" The wife also knew that I would not be assured of letting her go to work elsewhere, so she replied: " Sorry, it may not be convenient for me to go to work elsewhere."
The boss of "Si Wen Nan" looked at us and said, "Okay, I'll get the money now." The boss of "Si Wen Nan" walked to the credit union. It seems that he also knows that there is a teller machine there. I gave my wife a quick wink and we followed.
We waited by the teller machine. The boss of "Sven Man" took out the money, counted it, and then handed it to his wife and said, "Your salary is 1,895 yuan, here is 1,900 yuan, take it."
I hurriedly took out my wallet and dig out five dollars from it to find him, only to find that he had turned away.
The wife held the money and said, "Look, our boss is still a good person, maybe it is our villain's heart."
"Good guy? I don't even notify you of the withdrawal. Who knows what the hell he has in his heart? Me, I would rather be a villain than a fool."
"Forget it, anyway, the money is in your hands, so don't think too bad about people. Our boss is actually pretty generous, and the odds of the salary are always rounded out. How is it like Xiaocui and selling sanitary napkins? The eldest sister’s boss, even if he wants more than 50 cents, they have to find him."
"This guy is so unkind, he deserves it!"
After getting the money, the stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. Back home, my wife fell on the bed and couldn't help feeling sad: "Husband, I am unemployed, what should I do? Or should I find another job?"
"Forget it, now that the economy is so sluggish, there are too many people all over the world, layoffs, layoffs, vacations, where to find things to do?"
"Then I can only stay at home as a nanny for you." Seeing my frown and a miserable look, my wife said dejectedly: "Alas, I won't eat snacks anymore."
"Yeah." I said perfunctorily.
"I won't buy clothes anymore."
"From now on, I will do all the laundry, cooking, and sanitation. Isn't it okay for me to treat you three packs? Master, be nice to me, you can't drive me out of the house!" I couldn't help. I was amused by my wife, but I still pretended to be very serious and said: "Seeing you are so sensible, well, since you have three bags, I will also pay you three bags."
"What to pack?" asked the wife anxiously.
"Include food and shelter..."
"anything else?"
"Babies!" I couldn't help laughing.
When my wife found out that she was fooled, she gave me a scornful look and said, "Cut! Can you afford it? My daughter costs 600 yuan a month. The rent, water and electricity here cost 300 yuan a month, as well as food and clothing. How much does it cost to use it this month? Now you are alone to earn money to support three people, and we will drink the other one?"
"Okay, okay, don't say it. I'm not going to work today. It's rare that you have retired. I will accompany you to the streets after dinner." Seeing my wife is unhappy because of unemployment, I want to accompany her out to relax. It will be better.
When the wife heard that she took to the street, she was immediately happy. There are no holidays to work in the supermarket. I usually go to work again when it is her turn to take a vacation, so it is rare to accompany her on the street.
"But let me say okay first, you are not allowed to buy things. This time the master is going to accompany you to go out for pure relaxation, not shopping!" Seeing my wife's beaming eyebrows, I had to get vaccinations in advance. If she can't hold it, there will be less money in our pocket.
"I see, sir."
After eating, I took my wife to the street. I saw that the street was full of vendors selling roses. I suddenly remembered that February 14th was Valentine's Day. I screamed ashamed in my heart, and then said to his wife: "My wife, shall I buy you a bouquet of roses?"
"Do you still have to wait for my approval for this kind of thing?" The wife had already pouted unhappily. He screamed again in his heart and walked to a flower vendor.
"How much does it cost?"
"Fifty dollars."
"What, it's so expensive?" The wife snatched the wallet in my hand and dragged me away involuntarily. "Forget it, I have been married for so many years, and I still pay attention to these! Besides, fifty yuan, I have to stand at Baiyi for a day!" The wife has not forgotten her toothpaste.
"Romantic this time in a year, isn't it only fifty yuan? It's no big deal!"
"Oh, forget it, now it's not the same as in previous years. Looking at the situation, I don’t know what will happen in the future. We bought the house and paid off the bill last year. Now we don’t have a lot of savings. Don't spend it if you spend it."
"It's the wife who is good at managing the family!" I hurriedly complimented.
"But speaking of it, you are really stingy. From knowing you to the present, you have bought me one flower together, and only one! It is the little girl who held you and didn't let it go. I bought it!" After speaking, the wife shook her head with a grievance on her face.
After hearing this, my old face that was dozens of feet thick couldn't help being bright and dazzling, and I screamed ashamed.
"My wife, there's no way. Who told you to marry me after sending the roses? You said, do you need me to send the roses when everyone gets it?" I am ashamed of this, anyway. Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water!
"Wow, you big bad wolf, how could I be fooled by a rose from you!" The wife tickles her teeth with hate and seems to be eating people. "I was fooled by you, huh!" the wife continued, grunting.
"My wife, you know I don't like this tune." I defended.
"But which woman doesn't like this tune?" The wife still grunted.
I am really ashamed. I used to marry, have children, buy a house, and then pay off debts. Although my life is not hard, I am not wealthy. There is no need to give roses on Valentine's Day. My wife hasn't enjoyed any blessings after following me all these years, I'm really sorry for her. Thinking of this in my heart, I couldn't help but secretly make a determination: "You can't pay a mistress for anything, no matter how much money we don't! Not to mention we don't have money!!"-Look at our consciousness, is it high enough?
After shopping for a long time, from Dah Sing to Taiyuan Street and then to China Resources Plaza, my wife is always happy to say this and that, her face is like a child with joy. It seems that she is very satisfied to be able to go shopping with her once. Thinking about it, it is indeed a long time to go shopping with her.
"I'm tired from shopping, let's go back." The wife said.
"Today's Valentine's Day, I haven't bought you flowers yet, so I'm going back?"
"It's fine to have you with me today, don't buy flowers."
"No, I want to buy it." I have already decided. I have to buy it today. Otherwise, my wife today will take out the matter of a rose N years ago and slander me. You must know that for a man It hurts my self-esteem! Today I have to buy it anyway, even if it can find a little bit of dignity for us, it is good. Well, let's buy one—why is a bunch so expensive? (Ten yuan per flower-I don't tell him most people!)
I took out ten dollars and was about to go to the hawker. My wife snatched it and said, “Forget it, it’s better to wait for next year.
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