Dongguan Yueheng Optical Co., Ltd.
Outstanding Article No. 1 Wang Chao-"Learning to Do Things-Impressions of Deng Yinpingzui"

Outstanding Article No. 1 Wang Chao-"Learning to Do Things-Impressions of Deng Yinpingzui"

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  • Time of issue:2020-11-17 16:26
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Outstanding Article No. 1 Wang Chao-"Learning to Do Things-Impressions of Deng Yinpingzui"

(Summary description)Learntodothings-DengYinpingzuiperception SometimearoundtheSpringFestival,thereisanupsetthatoftenmakesmeunwillingtoeatandsleep. Duringthatperiod,theMCPinmydepartmentfrequentlybrokedown,asmanyasthreeorfourtimesaday,andatleastonceortwiceaday.EverytimeIbreakthephone,mytroublescome.Ourdepartmentisonthefourthfloor,whilethemaintenancedepartmentisonthefirstfloor.Ofcourse,callingisthemostconvenientway.Atfirst,thephonecouldstillbeconnectedforawhile,butslowly,nooneansweredthephoneanymore,occasionallysomeoneansweredonceortwice,butittoldmetosendthemaintenanceordertothemaintenancedepartmentonthefirstfloor,otherwiseitwouldnotSomeonewillrepairit.Afterthat,nooneansweredthecallagain,andIoftengrittedmyteethwithanger. Ireallycan'tfigureitout,whydoyouhavetocometorepairthemachineafterIsendtherepairorder?Didn'tIgiveyoutherepairorderwhenyoucameup?CanIstillfallshort?WhydoIhavetotakeatrip?Don'tyoumakethingsdifficultformeonpurpose?ThemoreIthinkaboutit,themoreangryitis,whichoneisunbearable!SoIkeptcomplainingtomybossandmanager.Oneortwodaysaftereachcomplaint,thesituationwillbebetter,butitwillremainthesameafterthat.Depressed,depressed! OftenwhenIcomeinthemorning,Ithink:"Don'tbreakthemachinetoday,oryouwillbeinabadmoodtoday."ThenIthink:"Ifit'sbad,it'sbad.I'llcomplaintothemagain."Ireallybrokethephone,knowingthatthecallisunreachable,butIstillstubbornlydialeditoverandoveragain,andthendumblythought:"ShouldIsendthismaintenanceorder?ShouldI?"EverydayAftergoingthroughthiskindofsuffering,ithasbecomeapieceofmyheartdiseaseforalongtime,andIdon'tknowhowtogetridofit. OnMarch30th,thecompanyorganizedustocarryoutafieldtrainingandconcussionmeetinginYinpingzui,whichisknownasthefirstpeakinDongguan.Fortunately,springishere,itistimetogooutandbreathethefreshairofnature.Xunzisaid:"Ifyoudon'tclimbamountain,youdon'tknowtheheightofthesky.Ifyoudon'tfacethedeepstream,youdon'tknowthethicknessoftheearth."Maybethedeepnessoftheskyandthethicknessoftheearthcangivemesomeinsightsandletmeexpressmysullenness. I'vebeenthinkingalongtheway,isthemountainatYinpingzuireallylikeabottleofYinping?Whenthebustookthebustothefirstparkinglotatthefootofthemountain,IcouldalreadyseethetipofthemountainatYinpingzui.Itdidnotlooklikeabottleofsilverbottle,butlikeabambooshoot,obliquelyoblique.Theappearanceofbreakingground.ThesceneryofYinpingzuiisbeautiful,withstonestepswindingupalongthemountainandlushforestonbothsides.Beinginthequietmountainsandforests,farawayfromthehustleandbustleofthetown,theimpetuousmoodgraduallycalmeddown,andsuddenlyfeltrefreshed. Gamesaremixedwithgames.Wearedividedintosixgroups.Exceptforthewomen'steamwhichiscomposedofweakwomen,theotherfiveteamsareallyoungandold.Climbingalltheway,finallyreachedthetopofthemountain,panting.ButIsawapileofbouldersprotrudinginfrontofme.Ataglance,itfeltlikeacastle.Fromaslightlydifferentangle,itfeltlikeabeacontowerontheGreatWall.Goingcloser,itfeltlikeagreatapesittingnorth.Icouldn'thelpmutteringinmyheart:"Howdoesitlooklikeasilverbottle!" Althoughthereareruggedrocksonthetopofthemountain,beautifulazaleasaregrowing,andtheyareinfullswing.Fromadistance,itlookslikealittlebitofstars,butfromadistance,therearemanyclustersintheeast.Ican'thelpbutbecomemorecheerful,lookingfaraway,thesceneryvariesfrommountaintomountain.Thesouthofthemountainisflatandtherearemanyfactories.Thenorthofthemountainissurroundedbygreenmountainsandforests.Whileadmiringthebeautifulscenerywhilereplenishingenergy,halfanhourpassedbywithoutknowingit. Theclimateinthemountainsisreallyfickle,andtheskythatwasstillclearjustnowisgraduallysurging.Themountainmistslowlyrisesfromunderthefeet,gatheringmoreandmore,makingpeoplefeelliketheyareinafairyland,andthedistantscenehasbecomehazy.Suddenlyatthismoment,Idiscoveredthatabunchofhugeboulderswithhideousfeatureswereobscuredbycloudsandmist,anditseemedtobeahugesilverbottlehiddenbetweenheavenandearth. Suddenlyrealizedthateverythingismulti-faceted.Justlikethepileofbouldersinfrontofme,becauseofthedifferentdistance,height,angleortimeofmyobservation,itshowedmedifferentimages.So,amIreallyrightaboutrepairingthemachine?OramItheonlyoneright?IsitreallyasIimagined?Ionlylookatthismatterfrommyownperspective,andneverthoughtoflookingatitfromanotherangle.PerhapsitislikethesilverbottlemouththatIhaveseen,"viewedasaridgewithpeaksontheside,withdifferentdistancesandheights"?Thinkaboutitbefore,whenthemachinebrokedown,whatamIdoing?Ididnotfocusmymainenergyonhowtosolvethemachineproblem,butwasbusylookingformybosstosupportmypointofview,andIwasbusylookingforamanagertocomplainaboutotherpeople'snon-cooperation.WhatamIdoing?Ihaveunintentionallyconvertedthecontradictionbetweenmanandmachinetothecontradictionbetweenmanandman.Iamnotsolvingproblems,butbreedingnewproblems. Themoistureonthetopofthemountainisgettingheavier,andgraduallythereisrainfalling.Ihurriedlyrushedtothe"concussion"venuesetuponthemountainsidetojointhearmy. Beforethe"concussion"meeting,thehostannouncedtheawardofthemountaineeringcompetition.What'ssurprisingisthatthewomen'steamturnedouttobethebiggestwinnerinthisseeminglydemandingcompe

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  • Time of issue:2020-11-17 16:26
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Learn to do things-Deng Yinpingzui perception
Some time around the Spring Festival, there is an upset that often makes me unwilling to eat and sleep.
During that period, the MCP in my department frequently broke down, as many as three or four times a day, and at least once or twice a day. Every time I break the phone, my troubles come. Our department is on the fourth floor, while the maintenance department is on the first floor. Of course, calling is the most convenient way. At first, the phone could still be connected for a while, but slowly, no one answered the phone anymore, occasionally someone answered once or twice, but it told me to send the maintenance order to the maintenance department on the first floor, otherwise it would not Someone will repair it. After that, no one answered the call again, and I often gritted my teeth with anger.
I really can't figure it out, why do you have to come to repair the machine after I send the repair order? Didn't I give you the repair order when you came up? Can I still fall short? Why do I have to take a trip? Don't you make things difficult for me on purpose? The more I think about it, the more angry it is, which one is unbearable! So I kept complaining to my boss and manager. One or two days after each complaint, the situation will be better, but it will remain the same after that. Depressed, depressed!
Often when I come in the morning, I think: "Don't break the machine today, or you will be in a bad mood today." Then I think: "If it's bad, it's bad. I'll complain to them again." I really broke the phone, knowing that the call is unreachable, but I still stubbornly dialed it over and over again, and then dumbly thought: "Should I send this maintenance order? Should I?" Every day After going through this kind of suffering, it has become a piece of my heart disease for a long time, and I don't know how to get rid of it.
On March 30th, the company organized us to carry out a field training and concussion meeting in Yinpingzui, which is known as the first peak in Dongguan. Fortunately, spring is here, it is time to go out and breathe the fresh air of nature. Xunzi said: "If you don't climb a mountain, you don't know the height of the sky. If you don't face the deep stream, you don't know the thickness of the earth." Maybe the deepness of the sky and the thickness of the earth can give me some insights and let me express my sullenness.
I've been thinking along the way, is the mountain at Yinpingzui really like a bottle of Yinping? When the bus took the bus to the first parking lot at the foot of the mountain, I could already see the tip of the mountain at Yinpingzui. It did not look like a bottle of silver bottle, but like a bamboo shoot, obliquely oblique. The appearance of breaking ground. The scenery of Yinpingzui is beautiful, with stone steps winding up along the mountain and lush forest on both sides. Being in the quiet mountains and forests, far away from the hustle and bustle of the town, the impetuous mood gradually calmed down, and suddenly felt refreshed.
Games are mixed with games. We are divided into six groups. Except for the women's team which is composed of weak women, the other five teams are all young and old. Climbing all the way, finally reached the top of the mountain, panting. But I saw a pile of boulders protruding in front of me. At a glance, it felt like a castle. From a slightly different angle, it felt like a beacon tower on the Great Wall. Going closer, it felt like a great ape sitting north. I couldn't help muttering in my heart: "How does it look like a silver bottle!"
Although there are rugged rocks on the top of the mountain, beautiful azaleas are growing, and they are in full swing. From a distance, it looks like a little bit of stars, but from a distance, there are many clusters in the east. I can't help but become more cheerful, looking far away, the scenery varies from mountain to mountain. The south of the mountain is flat and there are many factories. The north of the mountain is surrounded by green mountains and forests. While admiring the beautiful scenery while replenishing energy, half an hour passed by without knowing it.
The climate in the mountains is really fickle, and the sky that was still clear just now is gradually surging. The mountain mist slowly rises from under the feet, gathering more and more, making people feel like they are in a fairyland, and the distant scene has become hazy. Suddenly at this moment, I discovered that a bunch of huge boulders with hideous features were obscured by clouds and mist, and it seemed to be a huge silver bottle hidden between heaven and earth.
Suddenly realized that everything is multi-faceted. Just like the pile of boulders in front of me, because of the different distance, height, angle or time of my observation, it showed me different images. So, am I really right about repairing the machine? Or am I the only one right? Is it really as I imagined? I only look at this matter from my own perspective, and never thought of looking at it from another angle. Perhaps it is like the silver bottle mouth that I have seen, "viewed as a ridge with peaks on the side, with different distances and heights"? Think about it before, when the machine broke down, what am I doing? I did not focus my main energy on how to solve the machine problem, but was busy looking for my boss to support my point of view, and I was busy looking for a manager to complain about other people's non-cooperation. What am I doing? I have unintentionally converted the contradiction between man and machine to the contradiction between man and man. I am not solving problems, but breeding new problems.
The moisture on the top of the mountain is getting heavier, and gradually there is rain falling. I hurriedly rushed to the "concussion" venue set up on the mountainside to join the army.
Before the "concussion" meeting, the host announced the award of the mountaineering competition. What's surprising is that the women's team turned out to be the biggest winner in this seemingly demanding competition. In addition to the first stage and individual competitions, they won the remaining second and third stages and three team championships. Recall that in the game, when our group of players fell behind, the people in front of us either watched coldly or complained to each other. However, the members of the women's team support each other, support each other, and encourage each other. Although the first person to arrive at each station is not from their team, they never leave their players behind. They gather collective strength to compete, but we are like skirmishers. Ashamed, we young and old with well-developed limbs and agility! Am I not too? A man complacent, left the big troops far behind, and kept complaining about his teammates for being too slow, dragging his feet.
In my usual work, do I, like mountain climbing competitions, just run madly all the way, indifferent to the backwardness of others? In fact, we need more collective strength and team spirit in our work than in mountaineering, because each of our work cannot be done by one person. The products we produce have to go through many processes. We need to cooperate with each other. Support can get things done.
After Yinpingzui returned, I learned a lot. I no longer always think that I am right in everything. I know that everything is not just as simple as what I see and imagine. There are always angles that I can’t see. I no longer make arbitrary conclusions. , Doing things is no longer just measured by right and wrong or whether it should be or not. As long as things can be done well, everything is right and should be. I no longer insist on what I think is right. For example, I no longer think that sending the repair order to the first floor is not something I should do. As long as the machine can be repaired as soon as possible, it will do whatever you want. It will be no problem to send it ten times or eight times. My concept has changed and my mood of doing things has become more relaxed. I slowly see things that I don’t see or ignore. For example, the maintenance department is really busy sometimes, and I don’t understand other people’s difficulties. If the fraternal department needs secondment, I will no longer feel unhappy, and no longer shirk, because we are a collective. When others are behind, we should lend a helping hand, and collective progress is progress. The spirit of the women's team is exactly what we need to carry forward.
When doing things, we no longer think about whether we should do it or who is right or who is wrong, but only consider how we can do things better; carry forward the collective spirit, pull others up when appropriate, and make progress together. I think I just learned how to do things.
A visit to Yinpingzui, I have gained something, and I think it is worthwhile for me. (Wang Chao)
Editor's note: The author uses what I have seen and heard in the activity to perfectly express the theme of the activity-team spirit, which is a rare good article. This kind of enlightenment to become a Buddha is enough for a lifetime to be used once or twice in your life.
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