Dongguan Yueheng Optical Co., Ltd.
I and Yueheng grow together soliciting essays [third prize]

I and Yueheng grow together soliciting essays [third prize]

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  • Time of issue:2020-11-17 16:12
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I and Yueheng grow together soliciting essays [third prize]

(Summary description)IgrowupwithYueheng(thirdprize)LiJianbo  Twentyyearsaftertheturnofthestars,YuehengOpticscelebratedits20thbirthday.Inthepasttwodecades,Yuehengpeoplehaveworkedhardandmadeunremittingeffortstotransformfromasmallforeign-fundedfactorytoaleaderintheopticalindustrytoday.ThisresulthasmadeeveryemployeeofYuehengfeelfullofemotion.   Recallingthepast,thecompanyhasjuststarted,theproductissingle,thepersonnelisunstable,andthecompanyisstruggling.Yuehengpeoplearenotdeterredbythedifficulties,buthavecultivatedateamthatcanendurehardshipsandfightinthebigwaves.Supportingateam,inspiredbythebeliefin"enterprisedevelopment,employeeprosperity,wealthcreation,andreturntosociety",wehaveworkedhardfor20yearsand20yearsofhardwork,enablingthecompanytorealizeitsdreamoftakingoff.   Twentyyearsoffactorybuildings,workshopsandfactoryareasareengravedwiththehardworkofourancestorsinYueheng.Unforgettable!Thosedaysofhardwork,   Werespect-becausewehavegonethroughthemostmuddydaysofentrepreneurshiptogether   Weareproud-becausewehavealwaysbeeninthesameboat   Werejoice-becausewewillbethemostbeautifulrainbowafterthestorm   Wearefortunate-becauseyoucanbeyourdiligent,intelligent,unitedandprogressiveheroicsonanddaughter   Lookingbackonthepast,Yueheng’schangesandYueheng’stake-offhavemadeeveryemployeewhohasgonethrough20yearsofupsanddownsexcitedandfilledwithemotion.Andbeproudandproudofit.Lookingtothefuture,thebusinessseawillriseandfall,andcompetitionwillbefierce.ButIfirmlybelievethatwiththecorrectdecisionoftheleadersandtheunityoftheemployees,Yueheng,thebigship,willsurelyridethewindandwavesandmoveforwardcourageouslyinthemarkettide,soasto"buylensesandfindYueheng".

  • Categories:Company news
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  • Time of issue:2020-11-17 16:12
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I grow up with Yueheng (third prize)
Li Jianbo
    Twenty years after the turn of the stars, Yueheng Optics celebrated its 20th birthday. In the past two decades, Yueheng people have worked hard and made unremitting efforts to transform from a small foreign-funded factory to a leader in the optical industry today. This result has made every employee of Yueheng feel full of emotion.
    Recalling the past, the company has just started, the product is single, the personnel is unstable, and the company is struggling. Yueheng people are not deterred by the difficulties, but have cultivated a team that can endure hardships and fight in the big waves. Supporting a team, inspired by the belief in "enterprise development, employee prosperity, wealth creation, and return to society", we have worked hard for 20 years and 20 years of hard work, enabling the company to realize its dream of taking off.
    Twenty years of factory buildings, workshops and factory areas are engraved with the hard work of our ancestors in Yueheng. Unforgettable! Those days of hard work,
    We respect-because we have gone through the most muddy days of entrepreneurship together
    We are proud-because we have always been in the same boat
    We rejoice-because we will be the most beautiful rainbow after the storm
    We are fortunate-because you can be your diligent, intelligent, united and progressive heroic son and daughter
    Looking back on the past, Yueheng’s changes and Yueheng’s take-off have made every employee who has gone through 20 years of ups and downs excited and filled with emotion. And be proud and proud of it. Looking to the future, the business sea will rise and fall, and competition will be fierce. But I firmly believe that with the correct decision of the leaders and the unity of the employees, Yueheng, the big ship, will surely ride the wind and waves and move forward courageously in the market tide, so as to "buy lenses and find Yueheng".
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