Dongguan Yueheng Optical Co., Ltd.
Third place for excellent articles Wu Rong-"I have a date with Phoenix"

Third place for excellent articles Wu Rong-"I have a date with Phoenix"

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  • Time of issue:2020-11-17 16:27
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Third place for excellent articles Wu Rong-"I have a date with Phoenix"

(Summary description)Mydatewithphoenix Thephoenixseemstobealegendaboutthephoenixandthephoenix!Butthestoriesofthiskindseemtobetoomanyandtoovulgar,soIwon'tpursueitsownreasons. Ofcourse,peopleinHunancan'tmissthe"HappyCamp".Asforhowitisdonenow,that'ssomethingtosay.TherewereseveralepisodesofthePhoenixalbumthathadbeenbroadcastedforawhile.Afterwatchingit,Ihadonlyonethought-Ihavetogoonceanyway!It'seasytogoonce.Afteraweekofhardwork,Ihavetravelexpenses.It'sjustafewhoursoftrainandcar,andI'msotired.WhenIgotoutofthecar,Iwasentangledbyadifficultaunt.Saiditisdifficultandtrue,andhasbeenfollowingmeformanymiles.EventhoughIwassoafraidofliars,Iwasreallymovedbymyaunt.Justthinkaboutitanddoherbusiness!Herhouseisprettygoodtoo,withatwo-storycornerbuildingwithblackwoodenwalls.Yes,that'sit.Afterpayingthemoney,Ichosearoomwithskylightstolivein.Thedeeppavilionisinterestingandcomfortable!Butitdidn'tlastlongbeforeIfellasleep!Inthemiddleofthenight,theexactpointwastwointhemorning.Iwokeuphungry,gotupandpushedopenthewoodenwindownexttothebed,alotofbrightlightcameintomyeyes.Isitthereflectionoftheriver?No,thecandlesareallovertheriver.Slowly,alittlesober:ThesmallbuildingIliveinisontheedgeoftheTuojiangRiver,andthelittlestarsfulloftheriverarethewishinglights,andtheshadowofthelightsreflectedbytheriver.Theyaresoakedinthebrightmoonlight,accompaniedbythatwholerowofwoodenhouses,likeawatertowninadream?Jiangnan?No,itisthePhoenixinmyimagination.Yes,itshouldbelikethis.Whenyouseesuchascene,youhaveromanceandthecouragetowanttohavelove.Whetheritistheivorywhitemoonlight,theriverlanternwithdreams,ortheredlanternsoneafteranother,Iamtrulymoved-tearsflow,constant... Ijustsawtheredlanterngooutandknewitwasdawn.Blinkedvigorously,openedthedoor,andtookadeepbreath-soclearandcold,likeagreenarrow.IheardfolksongscomingfromtheupperreachesoftheTuojiangRiver,andIfeltthatitwasthemostbeautifulalarm.IthinkifIfellasleeplastnightandhearditearlyinthemorning,Iwouldgetupwithouthesitation.MaybeIwasright.Justaftersingingthefolksongforawhile,Iheardthesoundoftheroommatesnexttomereleasingwater. Inexplicable?Pacingalongthefolksong,isitthecitywall?Oramoat?AwallsimilartotheGreatWallbuilding!IfeelthatIhavecometotheancientcity.Walkingalongit,thesingingisstillloud,justmixedwiththefreshbreathoftheancientcity.Bowyourhead,theroadconnectedbythebluestoneslabs!Forpsychologicalreasons,Ifeelthatmystepshavebecomeflat,asifIcanonlytakestepswhenIgoonadatewithmybeloved!MyGod!Whatamagicalroad.Ireallyfeltthatkindofsentiment,andtheloveandtouchinmyheartwasinspiredbythisroad.I'veneverhadagoodmood,butIwascaughtsoeasily. Oppositethemoatisarowofwoodenhouses.Theyallhaveanantiquedoor,andtworedlanternsarealsohungonthedoor.Theyareeyes,justlikepeoplehavetwoeyes!Occasionallytherearefour,Ithinktheyareeyeswithglasses!ButwhoNomatterwhetheritistwoorfour,theyareaskindandcuteaseyes!Justlikeeveryonehaseyes,theyalsohaveasmilingface.Thiswholerowofwoodenhousesarenexttoeachotherwithsmallshops,whicharebeautifulandbrilliantsmilingfaces.Thissmilingfaceissocute,thereareHelloKittyfromallovertheworldinthesmile:handbags,clothes,hats,scarves,itisaparadiseforcutegirls!Don'tmissit,soIcoaxedHelloKitty'seraser.Solucky!Whatabeautifulface,withthesmelloflavenderinhissmile.Theall-purplearrangement,astringofalternativenecklaceshungtheentirepurplehouse.Strange,whyisitjustanecklace?Isitbecauseoftheowner'sdevotion?Iappreciatethepersonality.Anyway,buyoneforthisspecialization.Bluependant?Theheartoftheocean!Adreamer.Inordertolookforwardtothebeauty,Imercilesslyboughttheheartoftheoceanwithbluedreams,tocommemoratetheloveofTietaithattouchedme!Iamsohappy,happytobesohappytobuythings. IthinkonlyPhoenixcangivemethemood!Okay,lethappinesscontinue.Handworkshop?PortraitT-shirts!EachT-shirtispaintedwithunrecognizedbutkindheads.Ifeelthebeautyofsimplicity,likesunshinewarmingmyheart.Yes,thissmilingfaceisverysunny.Jingle,thesoundofsilverjewelry?Wow!It's"Miaojiadecorations"!AroomisfullofallkindsofMiaocostumes."SilverDangxiang"headwear,linendresswithphoenixonthefront,pleatedlongskirt,embroideredshoes,andsilvercollarwornaroundtheneckaresocharming!Ireallywanttotrythemall,butitseemsnotenoughLet'sbuythefullsetwiththemoney!Theownerisembarrassedtotroubleme,soItriedthemostbeautifulsetandboughtawovenapron.Sorry,sorryforyourcharmingsmile. IwaslookingupthinkingthatifIhadthenexttime,IwoulddefinitelybuyasetofMiaoclothesandenjoyit.Itappeared,isitWindandRainBridge?Yes,crossthebridgeifthereisabridge!Gooverthestonesteps,climbupthebridge,andcrossit.Hey?Thisisabridge,itshouldbecalledajewelrystorethatstraddlestheTuojiangRiver!Ashortbridgeisdividedintoseveralsmallshops,youlooklikeyou,andit’ssolively!Thisismyfavorite----excitedGoin,lookattheitemcuriously,bargainsincerely,andwalkoutproudly.Ashortbridgeallowedmetowalkforthreehours.Asaresult,mypursebecameflatandmybagbulged.WhenIgotoffthebridge,Isuddenlyremembered----Idon'tknowthename,Iseriouslysawtheword"redbridge"andrememberedit! Thesunwasyellow,itwasdusk!Ibegantowalkback,deliberatelywalkingthroughafewalleys,avoidingthewayIcame.Iamnotafraidofgettinglost,becauseIknowth

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  • Time of issue:2020-11-17 16:27
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My date with phoenix
The phoenix seems to be a legend about the phoenix and the phoenix! But the stories of this kind seem to be too many and too vulgar, so I won't pursue its own reasons.
Of course, people in Hunan can't miss the "Happy Camp". As for how it is done now, that's something to say. There were several episodes of the Phoenix album that had been broadcasted for a while. After watching it, I had only one thought-I have to go once anyway! It's easy to go once. After a week of hard work, I have travel expenses. It's just a few hours of train and car, and I'm so tired. When I got out of the car, I was entangled by a difficult aunt. Said it is difficult and true, and has been following me for many miles. Even though I was so afraid of liars, I was really moved by my aunt. Just think about it and do her business! Her house is pretty good too, with a two-story corner building with black wooden walls. Yes, that's it. After paying the money, I chose a room with skylights to live in. The deep pavilion is interesting and comfortable! But it didn't last long before I fell asleep! In the middle of the night, the exact point was two in the morning. I woke up hungry, got up and pushed open the wooden window next to the bed, a lot of bright light came into my eyes. Is it the reflection of the river? No, the candles are all over the river. Slowly, a little sober: The small building I live in is on the edge of the Tuojiang River, and the little stars full of the river are the wishing lights, and the shadow of the lights reflected by the river. They are soaked in the bright moonlight, accompanied by that whole row of wooden houses, like a water town in a dream? Jiangnan? No, it is the Phoenix in my imagination. Yes, it should be like this. When you see such a scene, you have romance and the courage to want to have love. Whether it is the ivory white moonlight, the river lantern with dreams, or the red lanterns one after another, I am truly moved-tears flow, constant...
I just saw the red lantern go out and knew it was dawn. Blinked vigorously, opened the door, and took a deep breath-so clear and cold, like a green arrow. I heard folk songs coming from the upper reaches of the Tuojiang River, and I felt that it was the most beautiful alarm. I think if I fell asleep last night and heard it early in the morning, I would get up without hesitation. Maybe I was right. Just after singing the folk song for a while, I heard the sound of the roommates next to me releasing water.
Inexplicable? Pacing along the folk song, is it the city wall? Or a moat? A wall similar to the Great Wall building! I feel that I have come to the ancient city. Walking along it, the singing is still loud, just mixed with the fresh breath of the ancient city. Bow your head, the road connected by the bluestone slabs! For psychological reasons, I feel that my steps have become flat, as if I can only take steps when I go on a date with my beloved! My God! What a magical road. I really felt that kind of sentiment, and the love and touch in my heart was inspired by this road. I've never had a good mood, but I was caught so easily.
Opposite the moat is a row of wooden houses. They all have an antique door, and two red lanterns are also hung on the door. They are eyes, just like people have two eyes! Occasionally there are four, I think they are eyes with glasses! But who No matter whether it is two or four, they are as kind and cute as eyes! Just like everyone has eyes, they also have a smiling face. This whole row of wooden houses are next to each other with small shops, which are beautiful and brilliant smiling faces. This smiling face is so cute, there are HelloKitty from all over the world in the smile: handbags, clothes, hats, scarves, it is a paradise for cute girls! Don't miss it, so I coaxed HelloKitty's eraser. So lucky! What a beautiful face, with the smell of lavender in his smile. The all-purple arrangement, a string of alternative necklaces hung the entire purple house. Strange, why is it just a necklace? Is it because of the owner's devotion? I appreciate the personality. Anyway, buy one for this specialization. Blue pendant? The heart of the ocean! A dreamer. In order to look forward to the beauty, I mercilessly bought the heart of the ocean with blue dreams, to commemorate the love of Tietai that touched me! I am so happy, happy to be so happy to buy things.
I think only Phoenix can give me the mood! Okay, let happiness continue. Hand workshop? Portrait T-shirts! Each T-shirt is painted with unrecognized but kind heads. I feel the beauty of simplicity, like sunshine warming my heart. Yes, this smiling face is very sunny. Jingle, the sound of silver jewelry? Wow! It's "Miaojia decorations"! A room is full of all kinds of Miao costumes. "Silver Dangxiang" headwear, linen dress with phoenix on the front, pleated long skirt, embroidered shoes, and silver collar worn around the neck are so charming! I really want to try them all, but it seems not enough Let's buy the full set with the money! The owner is embarrassed to trouble me, so I tried the most beautiful set and bought a woven apron. Sorry, sorry for your charming smile.
I was looking up thinking that if I had the next time, I would definitely buy a set of Miao clothes and enjoy it. It appeared, is it Wind and Rain Bridge? Yes, cross the bridge if there is a bridge! Go over the stone steps, climb up the bridge, and cross it. Hey? This is a bridge, it should be called a jewelry store that straddles the Tuojiang River! A short bridge is divided into several small shops, you look like you, and it’s so lively! This is my favorite----excited Go in, look at the item curiously, bargain sincerely, and walk out proudly. A short bridge allowed me to walk for three hours. As a result, my purse became flat and my bag bulged. When I got off the bridge, I suddenly remembered ---- I don't know the name, I seriously saw the word "red bridge" and remembered it!
The sun was yellow, it was dusk! I began to walk back, deliberately walking through a few alleys, avoiding the way I came. I am not afraid of getting lost, because I know the truth that "all roads lead to Rome". Sure enough, I arrived at the former residence of Shen Congwen. Unfortunately, it is dusk, and the hall has been off work for a long time. It doesn't matter, how can an iron gate separate my respect for Mr. Shen! I paced back and forth at the door, thinking about Shen Congwen and "Biancheng". The red lantern on the gate of the phoenix was shining brightly into the eyes. Oh! It turns out that they are all sparkling, so they are seen, seen clearly, and then they are always shiny.
Back to the place, it’s hard to be troubled. The kind aunt said: “The famous Southern Great Wall in Phoenix, Miao Village, you go to play first!” After hearing this, it is unavoidable to regret that I missed so many places. But I have to return tomorrow, and the money is only for travel. It seems that they will be realized with Miaofu next time, but I am still happy, how happy a day in the ancient city is today, or this relieved happiness will be repeated because of my miss!
Great, I will date here again next time. Remember it? I have an appointment with Phoenix. Of course, there are you! (Wu Rong)
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